
Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Online Courses

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The #1 Step-by-Step Guide to Fast-Track Your Online Course Creation Success in 2024


Online Course Creation: A Path to Expertise and Revenue

Creating an online course can be a powerful way to share your knowledge, grow your audience, and generate a new income stream. Whether you already have an idea or are looking to turn your expertise into a structured learning experience, the process can seem overwhelming.

Here’s a quick overview of the 10 essential steps to start with online course creation:

  1. Pick the perfect online course topic
  2. Check for market demand
  3. Create compelling learning outcomes
  4. Structure your online course
  5. Choose the most effective delivery method
  6. Produce your online course content (One Click Course Creator: USE THIS CHEATCODE TO Streamline this process)
  7. Choose your course platform
  8. Establish a pricing structure
  9. Launch and market your course
  10. Build a course community

My name is Jeffrey Castillo, known as digitaljeff, a tech entrepreneur with over two decades of experience in digital media, marketing, and content strategy. I’ve helped many creators scale their online presence through online course creation strategies, turning expertise into income. Ready to dive into the details and make your course stand out?

Let’s move on to how you can choose the perfect topic for your online course.

Choosing the Topic of Your Course

Choosing the right topic for your online course is crucial. It can make the difference between a thriving business and a flop. Here’s how to nail it.

Niche Down

Start by narrowing your focus. A broad topic can be overwhelming and may not attract dedicated learners. Instead, choose a specific niche where you can provide deep value. For example, instead of “Digital Marketing,” consider “SEO for Small Businesses.”

Pro Tip: Focus on a niche within a niche to find success by making your topic fun and accessible, using engaging methods to attract your audience.

Identify Pain Points

Your course should solve a problem. Identify the pain points your audience faces and think about how your expertise can help. Use surveys, quizzes, and interviews to gather insights directly from potential learners.

Offer a Solution

Once you’ve identified the pain points, outline how your course will solve them. Your solution should be clear, actionable, and valuable.

Pro Tip: Clearly define the learning outcomes. What will your students be able to do, know, and feel after completing your course? This helps set expectations and attracts the right audience.

Check Market Demand

Before you invest time and resources, ensure there’s a demand for your course. Use keyword research tools to see what people are searching for. Look at the market to understand what’s already available and how you can offer something unique.

Steps to Validate Market Demand:
1. Talk to Your Audience: Use surveys and interviews to gauge interest.
2. Create a Free Mini Course: Offer a sample to test the waters.
3. Pre-sell Your Course: Sell the idea before creating the full content. This not only validates demand but can also fund your course creation.

Pro Tip: High competition is a good sign. It means there’s a market. The trick is to find what competitors are missing and fill that gap.

Conducting Customer Research

Understanding Customer Needs

Before you start creating your online course, it’s crucial to understand what your potential students need. This means identifying their pain points, challenges, and goals.

Pro Tip: Use platforms like Reddit and Quora to see what questions people are asking about your topic. This can give you valuable insights into what your audience is struggling with and what they want to learn.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Knowing your target audience is essential for tailoring your course content to meet their needs. Ask yourself:

  • What demographic groups can benefit most from your course?
  • What are their interests, values, and attitudes?
  • What specific problems are they trying to solve?

Example: Tiffany Aliche, a successful course creator, focused on helping women, especially black women, manage their finances. This specific target audience helped her build a niche and a 7-figure business.

Gathering Feedback

Feedback is gold. It helps you refine your course content and make it more valuable. Here are some ways to gather feedback:

  • Surveys: Use tools like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey to ask your audience about their needs and preferences.
  • Quizzes: Interactive quizzes can be a fun way to gather data while engaging your audience.
  • 1:1 Interviews: Personal interviews can provide in-depth insights into your audience’s challenges and expectations.

Quote: “Ask questions that make them think. Throw in a surprise slide every now and then to alert their senses and above all incorporate an opportunity to connect with you either on Facebook Live, Zoom or Instagram Live.” – Yetunde Shorters, Thinkific Course Creator

Conducting Surveys

Surveys are an effective way to gather information from a large audience quickly. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Design Your Survey: Keep it short and focused. Ask about their biggest challenges, what they want to learn, and how much they are willing to pay.
  2. Distribute Your Survey: Share it on social media, email lists, and relevant online communities.
  3. Analyze the Results: Look for common themes and keywords. These will guide your course content and marketing strategy.

Tool Tip: Use Answer The Public to find out what questions people are asking about your topic. This can help you design more targeted and relevant survey questions.

By understanding your audience’s needs, identifying your target demographic, gathering feedback, and conducting surveys, you’ll be well on your way to creating a course that truly resonates with your students.

Next, let’s dive into outlining your course content.

Outlining Your Course Content

Creating a successful online course requires a well-structured outline. This ensures your students can follow along easily and achieve the learning outcomes you’ve set. Let’s break down how to outline your course content effectively.

Course Structure

Start by defining the overall structure of your course. Think of it as the backbone that holds everything together. A well-organized structure helps students understand the flow and sequence of the topics.

Earlier this year I created a cheatcode that streamlines this process using AI. Click here to access, ONE CLICK COURSE GENERATOR.

Example Structure:

  1. Introduction:
  2. Welcome video
  3. Course overview
  4. Learning objectives
  5. Core Modules:
  6. Module 1: Basics
  7. Module 2: Intermediate concepts
  8. Module 3: Advanced techniques
  9. Conclusion:
  10. Summary of key points
  11. Next steps
  12. Additional resources

Lesson Breakdown

Once you have a course structure, break it down into individual lessons. Each lesson should focus on a specific topic or skill. This makes it easier for students to digest the information.

Example Lesson Breakdown:

Module 1: Basics
1. Lesson 1: Introduction to Topic
2. Lesson 2: Key Concepts
3. Lesson 3: Practical Applications

Module 2: Intermediate Concepts
1. Lesson 1: Advanced Techniques
2. Lesson 2: Case Studies
3. Lesson 3: Hands-on Projects

Main Topics

Identify the main topics your course will cover. These should align with the learning objectives and address the pain points of your target audience. Use your customer research to guide this step.

Example Main Topics:
– Sourcing Ingredients for Baking
– Drafting Garments
– Reading Basic Patterns

Course Objectives

Clearly defined course objectives help students understand what they will achieve by the end of the course. Each objective should be specific, measurable, and attainable.

Example Course Objectives:
– Learn how to source ingredients for baking to save time and money
– Understand how to draft a garment from scratch
– Master the skill of reading and interpreting basic patterns

Fiona Humberstone, a Thinkific course creator, emphasizes the importance of a clear course flow:

“I’ll get a sense of how things [in the course] are flowing and then I work through it in order from the top down. I’m always adding in things, and sometimes I’ll take things out if they seem irrelevant or if I’ve covered it somewhere else.”

By outlining your course content with a strong structure, detailed lesson breakdowns, main topics, and clear objectives, you create a roadmap that guides your students to success.

Next, let’s move on to creating the course material.

Creating the Course Material

Creating engaging course material is key to successful online course creation. Here are the main types of content you should consider:

Video Content

Video content is vital. It helps make complex topics simple and keeps students engaged. Use a mix of talking head videos, screen recordings, and animations.

Tips for great video content:
Lighting: Good lighting is a must. Natural light works well if you don’t have professional lights.
Audio: Clear audio is crucial. Use a lav mic that connects to your phone for better sound quality.
Length: Keep videos short and focused. Break longer videos into smaller segments.


Slides are useful for presenting key points and visual aids. They should be clean, visually appealing, and not overloaded with text.

Tips for effective slides:
Consistency: Use a consistent design and color scheme.
Clarity: Keep text minimal and use bullet points.
Visuals: Incorporate images, charts, and graphs to illustrate points.


Quizzes make your course interactive and help reinforce learning. They also provide immediate feedback to students.

Ideas for quizzes:
Multiple Choice: Simple and effective for checking understanding.
True/False: Good for quick assessments.
Short Answer: Encourages deeper thinking.


PDFs are great for downloadable resources like worksheets, checklists, and guides. They provide additional value and can be referenced offline.

Creating effective PDFs:
Design: Use a clean layout with headings and bullet points.
Content: Ensure the information is clear and concise.
Accessibility: Make sure PDFs are easy to download and read on different devices.

Audio Clips

Audio clips can be a great addition, especially for learners who prefer listening over watching.

Using audio clips:
Podcasts: Create short podcast episodes summarizing key points.
Narrations: Use narrations for slides or text-heavy content.
Interviews: Include interviews with experts in your field.

By blending these different types of content, you can create a dynamic and engaging online course that caters to various learning styles.

Setting Course Pricing and Sales Goals

When it comes to online course creation, setting the right price and sales goals is crucial. Let’s dive into the key aspects: pricing strategy, sales targets, and market analysis.

Pricing Strategy

Underpricing Hurts Your Bottom Line

One common mistake is underpricing your course. If your course is significantly cheaper than competitors, potential customers may perceive it as low value. This can drive them to your competitors instead.

Example: If your competitors are selling similar courses for $200, pricing yours at $50 can backfire. People might think your course lacks quality.

My personal recommendation is to start high. 🙂

Quality vs. Quantity

A lower price might get more students, but it can also overwhelm you. Managing 500 students at a low price is much harder than managing 25 students at a higher price, even if the revenue is the same. This affects the quality of your customer support and engagement.

Quote: “It’s a lot easier to manage 25 learners and provide a high-quality, custom experience to your learners than to try and cater to 500.”

Sales Targets

Effort Remains Constant

Marketing efforts don’t change much whether you’re selling a low-priced or high-priced course. The cost per lead and conversion rates are often similar. For example, if each lead costs $5 and you have a 5% conversion rate, your marketing efforts will be almost the same regardless of the course price.

Example: If you spend $500 on marketing and convert 5% of leads, you’ll get 25 customers. Whether they pay $50 or $200, the effort remains the same.

Market Analysis

Reinvest in Growth

Higher prices give you more profit, which you can reinvest into improving your course. Better equipment, more engaging content, and even taking a day off to recharge can benefit your business.

Example: A $200 course provides more profit margin than a $50 course. This extra profit can be used to buy better filming equipment or hire a graphic designer.

Survey Your Audience

If you’re unsure about pricing, ask your audience. Conduct surveys to find out how much they’re willing to pay. You might be surprised by the results.

Quote: “I saw what was included in other courses, how they were priced, the content, what I would change, and what I would add… that’s how I figured out the prices.” – Lola Melani, Thinkific Course Creator

Market Demand

Check what your competitors are charging and what they offer. This helps you position your course competitively. If similar courses are doing well at a certain price point, it’s a good indicator that your course can too.

By setting the right price and sales goals, you can maximize your revenue and offer a high-quality learning experience for your students.

Next, let’s explore how to choose the right platform for your online course.

Selecting the Right Course Platform

Choosing the right platform for your online course is crucial for your success. Different platforms offer unique features, pricing models, and levels of customization. Let’s dive into some of the top options to help you make an informed decision.

– Tons of built-in marketing features
– Custom-code course editor
– Wide-ranging AI features

– Requires familiarity with basic digital tools

Marketing Your Online Course

Once you’ve created your online course, it’s time to market it. Effective marketing can make the difference between a course that flops and one that soars. Here are some strategies to help you get the word out:

Pre-sell Your Online Course

Pre-selling means offering your course for sale before it’s fully created. This helps you gauge interest and secure funds upfront.

Benefits of Pre-selling:
Validates demand: Ensures there’s a market for your course.
Generates early revenue: Helps fund course creation.
Builds anticipation: Creates buzz around your course.

How to Pre-sell:
Create a sales page: Highlight the course benefits, include testimonials, and offer an early bird discount.
Limited-time offer: Use countdown timers to create urgency.

Example: Miss Excel, aka Kat Norton, successfully used pre-selling to generate interest and revenue for her Excel courses. She offered early bird discounts during her webinars, driving significant sales.

Use Webinars

Webinars are a great way to build trust and showcase your expertise before asking for a sale.

Benefits of Webinars:
Engage directly: Interact with potential students in real-time.
Showcase value: Demonstrate what your course offers.
Boost conversions: Offer exclusive discounts to attendees.

How to Host a Successful Webinar:
Plan engaging content: Include a mix of teaching and Q&A.
Promote your webinar: Use email sequences and social media to drive registrations.
Offer a special deal: Provide a discount or bonus for attendees who sign up during or immediately after the webinar.

Quote: “This launch method is awesome. I did two webinars in April, granting me my first six-figure month… 99% of the revenue was from core sales on Thinkific.” –Kat Norton

Email Sequences

Email marketing is a powerful tool for keeping potential students engaged and driving sales.

Benefits of Email Sequences:
Nurture leads: Build relationships over time.
Automate marketing: Set up once, reap ongoing benefits.
Drive conversions: Use targeted messages to encourage sign-ups.

Creating Effective Email Sequences:
Welcome series: Introduce yourself and your course.
Value emails: Share tips, case studies, and testimonials.
Sales emails: Highlight course benefits and include clear calls-to-action.

Tip: Use tools like Mailchimp or ConvertKit to automate your email sequences.

Social Media

Social media platforms are essential for reaching a broader audience and driving traffic to your course.

Benefits of Social Media:
Increase visibility: Reach a larger audience.
Engage with followers: Build a community around your course.
Drive traffic: Use posts to direct followers to your sales page.

Social Media Strategies:
Regular posts: Share valuable content related to your course topic.
Live sessions: Host Q&As or mini-lessons to engage your audience.
Paid ads: Use Facebook or Instagram ads to target potential students.

Case Study: Diamond Lee uses social media to connect with her target audience, creating a sense of community and trust.


YouTube is a powerful platform for showcasing your expertise and driving traffic to your course.

Benefits of YouTube:
Showcase expertise: Share free content to demonstrate your knowledge.
Drive traffic: Include links to your sales page in video descriptions.
Build an audience: Grow a subscriber base interested in your topic.

YouTube Strategies:
Create valuable content: Post tutorials, tips, and behind-the-scenes videos.
Optimize for search: Use keywords in titles, descriptions, and tags.
Call-to-action: Encourage viewers to visit your sales page or sign up for your course.

Example: Miss Excel grew her audience by posting Excel tutorials on YouTube, driving significant traffic to her course.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO helps your course appear in search engine results, driving organic traffic to your sales page.

Benefits of SEO:
Increase visibility: Appear in search results for relevant keywords.
Drive organic traffic: Attract visitors without paid ads.
Long-term results: Ongoing benefits from initial optimization efforts.

SEO Strategies:
Keyword research: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to identify relevant keywords.
Optimize content: Include keywords in your sales page, blog posts, and video descriptions.
Build backlinks: Get other websites to link to your course page.

Tip: Use Google Trends to identify popular search terms related to your course topic.

By leveraging these marketing strategies, you can effectively promote your online course and drive sales. Next, we’ll discuss how to launch your course and build a thriving community around it.

Launching Your Course

Launch Strategy

To successfully launch your online course, you need a well-thought-out strategy. Here are some key steps:

  1. Pre-sell Your Course: Start selling before you even finish creating it. This helps gauge interest and ensures you’re not wasting time on a course that won’t sell. Offer early bird specials to create urgency.
  2. Create a Sales Page: Your sales page should be compelling and clear. Include a strong headline, an opening story, bullet points highlighting benefits, testimonials for social proof, and a clear call-to-action. Miss Excel, aka Kat Norton, used this method to achieve her first six-figure month.

Check out my sales page for my course community here:

  1. Host Webinars: Use webinars to build trust with your audience. Offer value during the webinar and provide a special discount at the end. Kat Norton also used webinars to boost her sales significantly.

Community Building

Building a community around your course can create a loyal customer base and encourage word-of-mouth marketing. Here’s how:

  1. Engage on Social Media: Create a Facebook group or use platforms like Mighty Networks to foster a sense of community. Offer helpful tips and engage with your audience regularly.
  2. Provide Value: Share snippets of your course content or related valuable information. This builds trust and positions you as an expert in your field.
  3. Live Interactions: Host live Q&A sessions or office hours via Zoom or Instagram Live. This helps you connect with your audience on a personal level.


Gamification can make your course more engaging and motivate students to complete it. Here are some ideas:

  1. Action Igniters: Use worksheets, contests, and live sessions to keep students engaged. Megan Harrison used these techniques in the Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi Knowledge Business Blueprint Course to great effect.
  2. Microlearning: Break down your course into bite-sized chunks. This makes it easier for students to digest the content and stay motivated.
  3. Interactive Elements: Include quizzes and interactive activities to keep the learning experience dynamic and fun.

Digital Badges

Digital badges can incentivize students to complete your course and showcase their achievements. Consider these benefits:

  1. Motivation: Knowing they can earn a badge for their LinkedIn profile or website can push students to finish the course.
  2. Recognition: Badges serve as a tangible recognition of their effort and learning, which can be very motivating.
  3. Marketing: Students sharing their badges on social media can serve as free marketing for your course.

By combining these strategies, you can ensure a successful course launch and build a thriving community around your online course. Next, we’ll discuss how to manage and update your course for continuous improvement.

Managing and Updating Your Course

Managing and updating your online course is crucial for maintaining its value and ensuring student success. Here’s how you can do it effectively:

Student Feedback

Student feedback is gold. It tells you what’s working and what’s not.

  • Surveys: Use tools like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey to gather feedback at the end of each module.
  • Quizzes: Incorporate quizzes not just for assessment but also to gauge understanding and identify problem areas.
  • 1:1 Interviews: For deeper insights, conduct interviews with a few students to get detailed feedback.

“Seek feedback from your students. Getting feedback is essential in knowing what is working for learners and what isn’t.” – Manja Horner, founder of BoostLD

Course Updates

Keeping your course material up-to-date is vital for relevance.

  • Regular Reviews: Schedule regular reviews of your content to ensure it’s current.
  • Add New Content: Introduce new lessons or update existing ones based on industry trends and student feedback.
  • Fix Issues: Address any mistakes or outdated information immediately.

“Having a professional audit your course will help ensure that you’ve covered all the learning objectives in an easy to understand and follow format.” – Manja Horner

Continuous Improvement

The goal is to make your course better over time.

  • Benchmark Progress: Assess where the learner is at the start and end of the course to measure improvement.
  • Iteration: Use the feedback and data collected to make iterative improvements.
  • Community Engagement: Engage with your community through forums, live Q&As, or social media to keep the learning experience dynamic and interactive.

The real trick to making a good course is keeping the student engaged and getting them to the end so that they truly have a transformative experience.

By focusing on these areas, you can ensure your course remains valuable and effective for your students. Next, we’ll explore some frequently asked questions about online course creation.

Frequently Asked Questions about Online Course Creation

How do I make my own online course?

Creating your own online course can seem daunting, but breaking it down into manageable steps makes it easier.

  1. Choose Your Topic: Pick something you’re passionate about and skilled in. It should also solve a problem for your target audience.
  2. Validate Market Demand: Check if there’s a demand for your topic. This can be done through surveys, keyword research, or checking out competing courses.
  3. Create Learning Outcomes: Define what students will be able to do after completing your course. Clear outcomes help structure the content.
  4. Outline Your Course: Break down the main topics into modules and lessons. This outline will guide your content creation.
  5. Develop Course Material: Create videos, slides, quizzes, and other materials. Tools like Teachable and Kajabi can help streamline this process.
  6. Choose a Platform: Select a platform to host your course. Options include Skool, Circle, Udemy, Thinkific, and Kajabi
  7. Set Pricing and Sales Goals: Decide on a pricing strategy and set sales targets. Competitive analysis can help here.
  8. Market Your Course: Use email marketing, social media, and SEO to attract students. Hosting webinars can also be effective.
  9. Launch Your Course: Plan a launch strategy, perhaps offering early bird discounts or bonuses to attract initial enrollments.
  10. Engage with Students: Keep the learning experience dynamic by engaging with your community through forums, live Q&As, or social media.

How do I create online course content?

Creating engaging and effective content is crucial for your course’s success.

  1. Plan Your Content: Start with a detailed outline. Decide what format each lesson will take (video, text, quizzes, etc.).
  2. Record Videos: Use a good quality camera and microphone. Tools like Camtasia can help with screen recording and video editing.
  3. Create Supporting Materials: Develop slides, PDFs, and quizzes to complement your videos. These materials can reinforce learning and keep students engaged.
  4. Edit and Refine: Edit your content to ensure clarity and quality. Don’t hesitate to seek feedback from a small beta group before the full launch.
  5. Upload to Platform: Once your content is ready, upload it to your chosen platform. Make sure to organize it in a logical, easy-to-follow structure.
  6. Test Everything: Before going live, test the entire course to ensure there are no technical glitches and that all content is accessible.

How much does it cost to create an online course?

The cost of creating an online course can vary widely depending on several factors:

  1. Basic Setup: If you’re doing everything yourself, costs can be minimal. You might spend around $200–$500 on a good microphone, camera, and basic video editing software.
  2. Professional Help: Hiring professionals for video editing, graphic design, or marketing can increase costs. Freelancers on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr can charge anywhere from $25 to $100 per hour.
  3. Platform Fees: Hosting platforms like Teachable or Kajabi have monthly fees, ranging from $29 to $199 per month, depending on the features you need.
  4. Marketing Costs: Budget for marketing expenses such as Facebook ads, Google ads, or email marketing tools. This can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars depending on your reach and strategy.
  5. Miscellaneous Costs: Don’t forget about smaller expenses like domain registration, website hosting, or premium plugins if you’re using a platform like WordPress.

In summary, creating an online course can be done on a shoestring budget, but investing more can lead to higher quality and better results.

“In my opinion, it takes about the same amount of time as writing a book,” says Lili Balfour, a financial advisor who has created multiple courses on Udemy.

Next, we’ll dive into the specifics of setting course pricing and sales goals.


Creating an online course is a rewarding journey that can transform your passion and expertise into a sustainable business. As we’ve discussed, the process involves several critical steps, from choosing a topic to launching and continuously updating your course. But you don’t have to go it alone.

I’m here to support you every step of the way. My creator platform offers a range of resources and tools designed to make online course creation as smooth as possible. Whether you’re a seasoned educator or a first-time course creator, we provide the guidance and support you need to succeed.

Support Resources

At Unsigned, we understand that creating an online course can be daunting. That’s why we offer a variety of support resources:

  • 1-on-1 Creative Sessions: Personalized guidance to help you refine your course content and strategy.
  • AI Consulting: Leverage the power of AI to optimize your course creation process.
  • Creator Community: Join a community of like-minded individuals who share tips, advice, and support.

The Creator Economy

The creator economy is booming, and there has never been a better time to jump in. According to Research and Markets, the e-learning industry is expected to grow to $325 billion by 2025. This growth presents a massive opportunity for creators to share their knowledge and monetize their expertise.

Find more about our AI-powered course creation tools and get started today!

Thank you for reading, and I look forward to seeing your course come to life.


About the author


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Copyright 2024 created by digitaljeff

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