
How To Escape The Matrix

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Digitaljeff enters the matrix to interview Ryan Blair.

Key Notes from the Interview:

Spiritual Growth and Personal Development

  • 🌟 Understanding what love is not is essential in order to truly value and attach to the fuel source of love in our lives.
  • 🌟 “You have to have gratitude with ambition, patience with persistence, and marry opposing fuel sources to propel you.”
  • 🙏 Pray for the desire to have more desire, to build more positive energy within you.
  • 🙏 Jesus was tempted three times, showing that even the most spiritual figures face temptation, but it’s how we handle it that matters.
  • 📚 The speaker opens up his “antenna” to receive revelations and shares them with as many people as possible in the movement he’s building.
  • 🌅 “I have morning rituals not morning routines. So I wake up I meditate I pray I study. I work out I eat healthy and I seize the day and that’s my ritual.”
  • 🌌 The universe is trying to send you all the help you need, but you need to develop the ability to receive it.
  • 🚫 Toxic substances, content, and beliefs can disconnect us and lead to suffering and despair.
  • 🌌 Mastering the duality of spiritual and material energy is the cheat code to achieving your dreams.
  • 🚫 Learning to say no to distractions and temptations builds tremendous force of willpower and discipline within us, leading to personal growth and success.

Love and Gratitude

  • 💖 Love is the most valuable fuel source, providing sustainability, joy, and health.
  • 💡 Building a personal brand is not about the followers, it’s about what that personal brand is doing in the world, it’s about the light.

Entrepreneurship and Personal Branding

  • 🤖 Our increasing reliance on AI for answers and solutions is leading to a disconnect from our own creativity and original thoughts, as we seek validation and guidance from technology rather than tapping into our own potential.
  • 💰 The accessibility of software and tools has made it more efficient and cost-effective to start and run a business, making it the best time to be an entrepreneur.

Individuals can escape the “Matrix” and achieve their highest spiritual capacity by infusing spirituality into their work, cultivating strong connections, balancing confidence and humility, and focusing on personal growth and mindfulness.

  • 🔑 Ryan Blair shares his journey of escaping the Matrix, starting with trauma and leading to a shift towards valuing love as a sustainable fuel source, and the importance of harnessing opposing forces in life.
    • Ryan Blair discusses his journey of escaping the Matrix, which began with the need to escape from a traumatic family environment and later extended to escaping the corporate Matrix.
    • The speaker realized the world was a scam after his mother passed away, despite being seen as a successful entrepreneur.
    • The speaker realized that material possessions were worthless after experiencing a personal loss, leading to a total rebirth and a shift towards valuing love as a sustainable fuel source.
    • Learning to value love and harnessing opposing forces like gratitude with ambition and patience with persistence can propel you in life.
  • 🌱 Cultivate positive desire, resist temptation, and be patient in personal growth and success, while considering the role of religion in the post-AI Revolution.
    • Gratitude and ambition, patience and persistence, and the concept of desire are all important to consider in achieving success and personal growth.
    • Cultivate positive desire, pray for more desire, and channel desire towards growth and intention to avoid negative effects.
    • Handle temptation like Jesus did, as he was tempted multiple times but resisted, and there are various types of temptations to be aware of.
    • Repent for temptations, build a mindset resistant to temptation, and replace negative thoughts with positive ones to resist common and advanced temptations.
    • The apostles had no idea they were living with Jesus and it took them many years to understand, so it’s okay if we don’t get it right the first time.
    • The speaker discusses the role of religion in the post-AI Revolution and the importance of being a force for good in the next chapter.
  • 🌟 Spiritual individuals must infuse AI with spirituality to counter the power of Silicon Valley executives, as the speaker emphasizes the importance of spreading light in uncertain times and their deep connection with Jesus.
    • The speaker discusses the current uncertain times, the importance of spreading light in the face of darkness, and the need for spirituality to be infused into AI in order to ensure a positive future.
    • The speaker emphasizes the importance of spiritual individuals joining the race against powerful Silicon Valley executives to ensure that AI development is not devoid of spirituality.
    • Encountering evil forces in dark alleys and the need to balance out the dark force with the light force in humanity.
    • The speaker discusses their deep connection with Jesus, their spiritual journey, and the vow they made to change their ways after their mother’s passing.
    • The speaker spent two years in silence, cutting off relationships and business, spending 90 days without talking to anyone and meditating for 6-7 hours a day.
    • The speaker shares their process of receiving and sharing revelations, developing principles and practices, and training an AI to teach people.
  • 🔑 Healing and mindfulness are important, morning rituals are powerful, entrepreneurship is a spiritual vocation that requires risk, faith, organization, humility, and the desire to serve others, and learning to receive mentorship and help is essential on the spiritual journey.
    • Healing is a painful process, mindfulness is key to avoiding injury, and having morning rituals is more powerful than routines.
    • The speaker discusses their habit of constantly studying new subjects, drawing from books on character and competency, and their tradition of contemplating a Psalm each year.
    • Noah built an ark for animals and we are called to build an arc for people, labels are for shampoo, focus on concrete and cultivate personal power.
    • Entrepreneurship is a spiritual vocation that requires risk, faith, organization, humility, and the desire to serve others.
    • Serve others by serving yourself first, align with the energy of the moment, and make decisions based on feedback from your environment.
    • Learning to receive mentorship and help is essential on the spiritual journey, and turning a tragic day into a day of deep meaning can bring both celebration and mourning.
  • 🔗 Entrepreneurs are taught to infuse spirituality into their work, stay connected in a world of AI, cultivate strong connections, disconnect from toxic influences, and balance confidence and humility to avoid suffering and ego-driven life.
    • Alter call is a movement teaching entrepreneurs to infuse spirituality into their work, helping them see entrepreneurship as a spiritual opportunity to grow and build their business in a way that maximizes freedom and personal growth.
    • The speaker discusses the importance of staying connected in a world where AI is becoming integrated into every aspect of our lives.
    • To escape the matrix, one must cultivate a strong connection to the Earth, higher power, fellow humans, and be conscious of anything that disconnects, such as fear, greed, and ego.
    • Disconnecting from toxic influences and aligning with self-awareness is crucial for personal development and avoiding suffering.
    • Cultivate internal willpower and desire to avoid being subjected to materialism and consumerism, as attaching identity and value to it will lead to a toxic and suffering-filled life.
    • To gain followers, you need a balance of confidence and humility, using the “SOS” framework of submit, obey, and serve to keep your ego in check.
  • 🔑 Mastering the duality of spiritual and material energy allows you to turn thoughts into actions and exemplify the Creator’s craftsmanship in your life.
    • The speaker discusses battling desire and arrogance in daily life, and how they relate to serving and following the example of Jesus.
    • Declare your intentions and make small declarations to unleash spiritual energy and change your ways.
    • Mastering the duality of spiritual and material energy allows you to turn thoughts into actions and exemplify the Creator’s craftsmanship in your life.
    • Learning to say no to temptations like wine and chips is important for maintaining self-control and avoiding overindulgence.
    • Learn to call the shots in your life, exercise restriction, and say no to distractions in order to build willpower and discipline.
    • Learn to say no to things that take you off mission and say yes to even more light, finding a balance between saying yes and no.
  • 🔑 Find your own way, focus on spiritual practices, balance input and output, set goals three times a year, and strive for harmony in daily life to escape the matrix and achieve your highest spiritual capacity.
    • Find your own way, spend 3-4 hours a day on spiritual practices, and focus on saying no to other things in order to rise to the highest level of spiritual capacity.
    • Focus on balancing your input and output ratio in alignment with your Divine Purpose and the season of life you’re in, rather than spending too much time on input and not taking action.
    • Evaluate your input and output ratio daily, adjusting as needed, with a higher input ratio during the holidays and a higher output ratio in the new year.
    • Balancing output and input in daily life is a constant struggle, but striving for harmony is the key.
    • The speaker discusses setting goals three times a year, aligning with the Jewish faith, and celebrating New Year’s in January, September, and on their birthday in July.
    • The speaker is focused on scaling their company, developing leadership, and releasing an AI product to bring affordable coaching to the masses.
  • 🎤 Open AI prioritized safety over growth, leading to missed opportunities and overshadowing of the CEO, while the rapid innovation in technology emphasizes the importance of focusing on a niche and building a personal brand as a mentor.
    • The speaker discusses the launch of a new project called AI, the potential impact on companies and humanity, and expresses disapproval of the firing of the CEO of open AI.
    • Open AI made a mistake by prioritizing safety over potential growth, leading to missed opportunities and overshadowing of the CEO.
    • Sam’s experiment with a for-profit and nonprofit governance structure failed, leading to issues with losing engineers and executives, slowing down as a customer, and self-sabotage due to ego and greed, ultimately allowing other companies to catch up in AI innovation.
    • The rate of innovation in technology is so rapid that it’s important to focus on a niche and build a personal brand as a mentor, as tools and companies can become obsolete quickly.
    • The speaker discusses the opportunity to scale personal brand and create impact using AI tools and how entrepreneurship has become more efficient and accessible with the availability of software.
    • Learn to be an effective entrepreneur by taking risks and organizing efficiently.


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