Never Run Out Of Content Ideas – PULSE APP

The Beta version of Pulse is official out. Join the waitlist!  Full tutorial and breakdown incoming, but for now here are some notes. Pulse makes it easy for you to find the latest trends from around the world. As some of you may know one of the cheat codes of how I create viral videos is finding a trend before everyone else does. I was lucky enough to get access to PULSE v1 and it's made it easy for me to find the latest trends that I can turn into content. The "idea" is normally where most creators struggle when it comes to content. Every viral video starts with two basic elements. A great idea. A well written script. Pulse app is designed to help discover what the world is talking about before everyone else. It uses AI to find […]

One Click Fitness Trainer Prompt reaches 1.3 Million Downloads

I just got back from Gold's Gym, and I’m genuinely proud of myself for two huge reasons. First off, I’m riding a 15-day workout streak! I'm actually starting to see some changes when I look in the mirror, and it feels amazing. ikyk. Right now, I’m at 182 lbs, and I'm aiming to hit 185 lbs. Yep, I’m trying to gain weight—it’s tough, believe it or not! Gaining weight is all about body recomposition, which means gaining muscle while losing fat. It's not just about lifting weights; it’s also about following a diet rich in protein to fuel muscle growth. There are so many factors to consider when tailoring a fitness plan, which is why one-size-fits-all plans often don’t cut it. This is also why top-notch fitness coaches can be super pricey. And here’s the second big thing: As of […]

Top AI Tool of 2024 Contender

The One AI Tool That Transformed My SEO AGENCY As an online creator and agency owner, I'm always on the hunt for AI tools that can help streamline our processes and boost our efficiency. Not too long I was headed into an unexpected reunion with two former coworkers and content creators Mike Richy and Truman Mylin in Los Angeles. It just happened that they were also in LA at the exact same time that I was visiting. Ironically this was the second time in which we had crossed paths while out filming a project. The last time was in Tokyo, Japan in April of 2019. I'll save that story for another day. We ended up meeting at Toca Madera in West Hollywood. As I arrived both Truman and Mike quickly introduced me to this tall muscular model looking gentlemen named […]

800K Followers in 6 Months

If your a content creator you're in for a treat! This is the cheatcodes of how @ByMaximise grew over 800k Followers on instagram within the last couple of months. ByMaximise has become one of my favorite instagram pages to follow. Every video he uploads is a certified banger. Up until recently I was so sure that he had an entire team helping him creating this videos. I couldn't wrap my head around the idea of one single person creating and uploading these high quality cinematic reels everyday. Well I was wrong. Turns out he is a one man army. One of my UNSIGNED members revealed his secret cheatcode and process to creating each masterpiece. If you study his videos, you'll notice the use of high quality film clips from random films. But how? That seems like too much work, finding […]

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Certified Cheat Codes: Our dedicated CheatCodes team dives deep into the AI landscape every day, rigorously researching and testing the latest apps so you don’t have to. We deliver only the top-tier Cheat Codes directly to your phone, ensuring you get the best without the hassle.

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